Tuesday, 6 June 2017

How Can Real Estate Agents Get Inbound Links? #AskanSEO by @jennyhalasz

Editor’s note: “Ask an SEO” is a weekly column by technical SEO expert Jenny Halasz. Come up with your hardest SEO question and fill out our form. You might see your answer in the next #AskanSEO post!

Today’s question is from Michael of Matthews, North Carolina. He asks:

What is the best way to get inbound links for real estate agents?

Provide something valuable that people want to link to. Focus on building traffic, not building links.

First, make sure your website is listed in popular directories (I know, *gasp* directories!) in your area. Places people go for information are not bad places to find your own company.

There may be a local newspaper and website (in Raleigh, we have the Independent), a popular “Things to do in [City]” website, or any of the following:

  • Chamber of Commerce
  • CitySearch
  • Yelp
  • Google Plus My Business
  • Google Map Listing
  • Yellow Pages
  • Angie’s List or similar
  • Nextdoor
  • Facebook

Depending on your specific circumstances and budget, get involved in local programs. Some sources might include:

  • 5K/10K Runs
  • Charity events
  • Schools
  • Libraries
  • Churches
  • Neighborhood HOAs

You can offer to advertise to support their publications or causes, buy a sponsor spot on a T-shirt, set up a booth, do free seminars on things like preparing your home for sale or increasing curb appeal, or anything else you can think of.

The idea is to do nice things, get some advertising, and become known as a quality partner. Then, when people write about the event, they may mention or even link to you.

Some of these will be “paid” links. Others will be purely editorial. Both will increase traffic, and the latter may increase quality inbound links.

Have a question about SEO for Jenny? Fill out this form or use #AskAnSEO on social media.
Featured Image: Paulo Bobita

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