Monday, 1 February 2016

Uber, The End Of Newspapers And What's A Society To Do?

Every Monday morning at 7:10 am, I am a guest contributor on CHOM 97.7 FM radio broadcasting out of Montreal (home base). It's not a long segment - about 5 to 10 minutes every week - about everything that is happening in the world of technology and digital media. The good folks at CHOM 97.7 FM are posting these segments weekly to SoundCloud, if you're interested in hearing more of me blathering away. I'm really excited about this opportunity, because this is the radio station that I grew up on listening to, and it really is a fun treat to be invited to the Mornings Rock with Terry and Heather B. morning show. The segment is called, CTRL ALT Delete with Mitch Joel.

This week we discussed: 

  • There is a deep and powerful social cost to companies like Uber. It's not just something disruptive against cab companies. It is about how new, disruptive, technology and apps come out, and play by their own rules. It's something to think about. 
  • The same can be said about local media, newspapers, radio and how we, as a society, get the depth of news and information that we need.
  • Watch the movie, Spotlight.
  • The New Yorker published an article last Thursday titled, The End of Twitter. So, is it done? Can they comeback? The stock is crumbling, the executives are jumping ship, there has not been much innovation from them (in reality, what can you do with 140 characters?). So, is Twitter about to feel like Yahoo? Will someone (Facebook) acquire them? Will it become a niche service? Us media people are still deeply into Twitter, but are the masses coming along with us?
  • App of the week: Hinge.

Listen here...


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